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The Secrets of Germany’s Success: What Europe’s Manufacturing Powerhouse Can Teach America

Foreign Affairs, July/August

As Americans fret about persistent economic challenges, particularly high unemployment, a nearly opposite mood pervades Germany. Neither the economic crises in the rest of the eurozone nor the instability in the Middle East has dampened a deep-seated conviction among German business leaders and economists that two decades after the costly reintegration of East Germany the country has reestablished its position as an economic juggernaut.

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Savour the sweet scent of Germany’s success

Financial Times

At first glance, Germany’s decision not to insist on compulsory participation by private lenders in the latest bail-out of Greece may seem like a defeat for Chancellor Angela Merkel and Europe’s largest economy. But appearances can be deceiving. On another, more important level, Germany came out of the latest round of brinkmanship exactly where it may well have wanted to be – with the common currency intact and Germany able to motor forward.

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Auto Bailout Was a Bargain for Taxpayers, Economy

Wall Street Journal, Letters to the Editor (June 9, 2011)

Regarding David Skeel’s “The Real Cost of the Auto Bailouts” (op-ed, June 6): As the success of President Obama’s automobile rescue becomes increasingly undeniable, its critics grow more frantic. Like many others, David Skeel misstates the facts.

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The New York Times: Don’t Take Trump’s Word for It. Check the Data.

For more than 90 minutes last week, Donald Trump gave a rambling speech accepting the Republican nom...

The New York Times: Biden’s Get-Tough-on-China Tariffs May Backfire

The tide of globalization is receding, at least from American shores. Two successive presidents have...

The New York Times: What Trump Would Do To Our Economy

Originally published in The New York Times. Much to fear about another Donald Trump presidency: ...

The New York Times: America’s Broken Immigration System, In One Chart

The immigration problem Congress faces is large and complex. Let’s break it down. Between Octob...


“[a] surprisingly modest account…Rattner has a journalistic talent for the telling detail, resulting in a memorable tale of life in the middle of the economic meltdown...Rattner deftly draws portraits of the inhabitants of "the Oval" and the West Wing...Rattner has proved himself a gifted chronicler.”
-Time Magazine

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