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Suskind’s Inaccurate Revisionism

I can’t speak to the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of much of Ron Suskind’s new book, “Confidence Men,” but based on attending almost daily meetings at the White House during the first six months of the Obama Administration, I can say this: Suskind’s narrative does not resemble my experience working for President Barack Obama, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers on the rescue of General Motors and Chrysler.

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The 2012 rivals can be named: Hayek v Keynes

Financial Times

In a fusillade of debates and speeches President Barack Obama and his Republican challengers have firmly established the economic policy combat lines for next year. What an electoral battle it will be – a clash of ideologies the likes of which America has not seen in decades.

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Republican Extremism, Bad Economics

New York Times

IN the middle of all the debt default drama and stock market turbulence, the leading Republican presidential candidates have begun to fill in the shadowy outlines of their positions on major economic issues.

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The New York Times: Don’t Take Trump’s Word for It. Check the Data.

For more than 90 minutes last week, Donald Trump gave a rambling speech accepting the Republican nom...

The New York Times: Biden’s Get-Tough-on-China Tariffs May Backfire

The tide of globalization is receding, at least from American shores. Two successive presidents have...

The New York Times: What Trump Would Do To Our Economy

Originally published in The New York Times. Much to fear about another Donald Trump presidency: ...

The New York Times: America’s Broken Immigration System, In One Chart

The immigration problem Congress faces is large and complex. Let’s break it down. Between Octob...


“[a] surprisingly modest account…Rattner has a journalistic talent for the telling detail, resulting in a memorable tale of life in the middle of the economic meltdown...Rattner deftly draws portraits of the inhabitants of "the Oval" and the West Wing...Rattner has proved himself a gifted chronicler.”
-Time Magazine

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