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Regulate, Don’t Split Up, Huge Banks

New York Times

LAST week, Sanford I. Weill, the mastermind behind the creation of the colossus now known as Citigroup, shook the New York-Washington axis by calling for the dismantling of megabanks. It was as if John D. Rockefeller had proposed the breakup of Standard Oil.

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China’s Economy, Still Strong

New York Times

THE “plum rain” that envelops Shanghai every summer — a confusing mix of drizzle, fog and smog — is a handy metaphor for the murkiness that currently enshrouds China’s economy.

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The Euro’s 11th Hour

New York Times

WITH each passing day, the noose around the neck of the euro zone grows tighter, with no indication that European leaders share any coherent vision for avoiding the hangman.

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The New York Times: Don’t Take Trump’s Word for It. Check the Data.

For more than 90 minutes last week, Donald Trump gave a rambling speech accepting the Republican nom...

The New York Times: Biden’s Get-Tough-on-China Tariffs May Backfire

The tide of globalization is receding, at least from American shores. Two successive presidents have...

The New York Times: What Trump Would Do To Our Economy

Originally published in The New York Times. Much to fear about another Donald Trump presidency: ...

The New York Times: America’s Broken Immigration System, In One Chart

The immigration problem Congress faces is large and complex. Let’s break it down. Between Octob...


“[a] surprisingly modest account…Rattner has a journalistic talent for the telling detail, resulting in a memorable tale of life in the middle of the economic meltdown...Rattner deftly draws portraits of the inhabitants of "the Oval" and the West Wing...Rattner has proved himself a gifted chronicler.”
-Time Magazine

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